Information and signaling
Dacica Foundation hosts a series of popularization webinars featuring archaeologists and specialists from related research fields, which are broadcast live on the Zoom platform and then distributed on the foundation’s YouTube channel and Facebook page. At the end of the conferences, participants can interact with the guests, make observations, and ask questions.
The Dacian fortress of Piatra Roșie, located in the immediate vicinity of the foundation, does not offer any means of information for those who want to discover it. Therefore, Dacica Foundation has created a website dedicated to this fortress and a Facebook page where news and information about this site are published. Other sources of information related to the history of Dacian fortresses are the Dacica Blog and the blog of Aurora Pețan, the president of the foundation.
To facilitate access to the Piatra Roșie fortress, Dacica Foundation has installed a large panel at the entrance to the Boșorod commune, built a bridge over the Alun stream, and signaled the tourist route from Alun Valley to the fortress. Dacica Guesthouse offers free flyers with information about Piatra Roșie fortress to help visitors navigate the site.
We are currently developing an application for mobile devices that will serve as a guide for visiting the 6 Dacian fortresses included in the UNESCO World Heritage, which will supplement the lack of information on-site and offer content suitable for various levels of interest.